Legends of Runeterra

Label: Card
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  • Developer

    Riot Games, Inc

  • OS

    Android Ios

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  • OS

    Android Ios

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  • Updated

    Aug 10, 2023

  • Price
  • Legends of Runeterra is a strategic collectible card game developed by Riot Games, primarily catered towards strategic and competitive players. Set in the world of League of Legends, the game empowers players to carve their own path to victory. Players get to collect cards representing the different regions of Runeterra, each with unique styles and advantages. The game involves strategy as players have to choose when to attack, defend, cast spells and even make choices on how to level up their champions. Challenges are abound as players embark on expeditions crossing entirely different regions in pursuit of glory.
  • Immersive LoL Universe: Rich lore from the world of League of Legends, coupled with beautiful artwork.
  • Rich Card Collection: With a plethora of cards to collect, each representing different regions with unique advantages.
  • Highly Strategic: Not just about the hand you're dealt, but also about how and when to play.
  • Dynamic GamePlay: With continuous updates, the game continually stays fresh and challenging.
  • Diverse Champions: Featuring champions from League of Legends, each possessing unique abilities that can turn the tide of the match.
Gameplay copywriting
  • Once the game commences, players are thrown into a strategic battle of wits where your decisions matter. A plethora of cards at your disposal represents different regions of Runeterra, each providing unique benefits and playstyle.
  • Balancing attack and defense, deciding when to cast spells and how to utilise your champions requires thorough planning and strategy. The dynamic of the game is consistently changing with new updates, keeping the gameplay fresh and interesting.
  • The artwork and lore are beautifully done, giving you a feeling of immersion into the League of Legends world. Playoff against opponents in competitive matches as you climb the ranks or embark on challenging expeditions across the regions of Runeterra. Regardless of your chosen path, glory awaits those who are cunning.

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