Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Label: Adventure
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    Android Ios

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  • Updated

    Aug 10, 2023

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  • Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is a free-to-play mobile game that catapults you into the glitzy, fast-paced world of Hollywood stardom, where you'll join Kim Kardashian on the red carpet and create your own aspiring celebrity. As you navigate the glamorous lifestyle of an A-Lister, you'll engage in various activities like attending exclusive parties, booking modelling gigs, and even going on dramatic dates. Your goal: to climb to the top of the Hollywood social ladder.
  • Intriguing storyline: The game offers an exciting story where players navigate their way through the ups and downs of Hollywood stardom.
  • Engaging gameplay: The tasks range from photo shoots, appearances at events, and interacting with other celebrities which make the game feel real and engaging.
  • High level of customization: Players can customize their character's looks and fashion, select a personal style statement, and own luxury homes.
  • Superb visuals: The game delivers impressive graphics and a luxurious aesthetic that perfectly encapsulates the lush Hollywood lifestyle.
  • Social interaction: Players can network and interact with other game users online, adding a social element to the game.
Gameplay copywriting
  • Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is a unique simulation game that combines role-playing elements with a narrative that mimics real life fame and fortune. The idea of rising from a common store clerk to a Hollywood A-lister is fascinating and engaging.
  • The game offers a compelling mix of strategy and creativity, with players needing to make smart career choices while also focusing on fashion and social networking skills.
  • The high level of customization, networking, and the chance to live the Hollywood dream makes the game highly addictive.
  • The graphics and design are of high quality, and the lifestyle of luxury and fame is depicted efficiently.
  • Overall, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is a fun, immersive, and a glamorous peek into the life of a Hollywood star.

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